Friday, June 6, 2008

You want to keep your options open

In a perfect world, you could actually say, “I’m not sure I want to call you, but, what the heck, give me your number just in case.” Of course, a line like that isn’t exactly flattering. You’re probably better served by expressing an interest but giving yourself an out by saying something like this:

“Look, I’d really love to call you, but I’m . . . (pick one)

really busy at work
traveling a lot
getting out of a relationship
covered with herpes
feeling poorly (not poor, which means you’re in the midst of pecuniary strangulation)
scheduled for surgery
about to be drafted
so.” (Of course, if you use the herpes line, don’t expect them to be too enthusiastic.)

When you take this approach, you’re not misleading anyone or setting the other person up to hang by the phone waiting for you to call. You’re simply keeping your options open without doing so at someone else’s expense. If you’re feeling really ambivalent about asking for a phone number, you can always offer yours, saying, “Why not take my number?” Then if the other person calls, you can go out on his or her nickel and enthusiasm. After all, all of us like to be courted.

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